Wednesday, 11 November 2009

In answer to Miss Beaumont's question...

Yes, sadly people now actually desire to have the 'gift' of vampirism.

It has actually become an obsession amongst many people. There have been cases were obessesed fans have cut their necks and begged the actors who play the vampires to suck their blood!

The Cullen family from twilight totally glamourise vampirism. The characteristics, the amazing good looks and always looking perfect, having lots of money are something everyone desires. Not only this but being able to live forever and not actually able to die is something many find appealing, vampires can be as wreckless as they want, something human teenagers can not, not without dying anyway.

Stephenie Myer's whole portrayal of the vampire world stems from what everyone can only wish they could have. It is incredibly clever of her to use what fans wish they could have and give it to her characters. In the book, Bella desperately wants what Edward has, wants to be what Edward is. Not only is it Stephenie Myer but other Gothic author's have done the same. ALL of the characteristics of the vampires, lycans and loup garoux alike, are something we cannot have, they are things we cannot be, it is when people realise this reality they are forced to face the fact. All humans, can only be just human.

The whole gothic genre is an escape from reality, unlike fairtytales where the audience know the happiness will eventually end.

*exhales deeply* phew! now my little rant is over, back to Dracula :) x

1 comment:

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